Rally4 was founded in 2014 by the team of Frank Richards and Jonathan Bray, two experienced digital marketers with a desire for something more: partnering with nonprofits to achieve equal footing with for-profit corporations in the marketplace. Shortly thereafter, Rally4 acquired mGive, the world-leading Text to Give platform, and set out to develop a rich stack of technology designed to bring in more funds for nonprofits.Since 2008, mGive has been leading the charge for text-based donations, pioneering the technology and forming relationships with all of the nation's leading cellular carriers. Since then, we have worked with over 1,500 nonprofit partners to raise over $100 million from more than 100,000 individual donors. We are born and bred from a proud tradition of marketing excellence; moving forward, we seek to make it even easier for our nonprofit partners to expand their work, increase their budgets, and better serve the world.