Proalgen is a company of more than two decades, promoted by technocrat entrepreneurs with a vision to develop innovative products from microbial and plant sources focusing mainly on R&D and Innovation. What started off as a research initiative in the general field of biology, is now quite a few levels up the technology ladder in to algal biotechnology with definite goals to be a "pathfinder" in what we term as "Innovative Biotechnology".We are the first company in India to produce Natural Betacarotene from two sources namely algae and palm. Our established brand name Natrotene® - Natural Mixed Carotenoids (Dunaliella Salina) which is a well established and accepted brand all over the world for algal mixed carotenoids and our new palm mixed carotene product Nutrapam - Natural Betacarotene – Palm Mixed Carotenoids from Palm Source (Elaeis guineensis), the new innovative product in various formulations.We aim to provide the natural products to enhance and stimulate the well being of human, animals & in aqua culture nutrition, thereby enhancing their quality of life.