GPS Vehicle Tracking Solution(End to End Transport Automation Solution) at Nyletech Solutions - Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Established in the year 2015, Nyletech started operations in India and expanded in middle eastern market. Head quartered in Bangalore, we have offices in Chennai, Hyderabad and Mangalore.We bring the much needed innovative solutions, products, and services to help Plan, Monitor and Ensafe your Assets-and-People on-the-move to your screens and finger tips real time.Our IOT based solutions like ETMS and VTS use the most advanced routing logic in the industry to help many small and big enterprises in automating their planning and management of trips. The vehicle tracking and monitoring features help with the safety and security of the employees and ensures a speedy response in case of a panic situation.Our experience in building and serving mission critical solution, our performance consciousness, our service expertise, our diligent after-sales support, and our established corporate image in market - make us a robust partner in your digitization journey. Our flexible and attractive pricing brings you high RoI with least investment.Our recent partnership with Novigo has given us an extra edge. Novigo's immense knowledge on technology and international geography has helped us in reengineering our products into SaaS solutions that are scalable and can address the global markets.