UTNU is a human-centred local non-government working with and assisting women, children and youth sustainable development in the 9 districts of greater Masaka. The organisation was started in July 2017 by a group of 5 social workers who saw the devastating impact and challenges that women, children and youths faced due to gender inequality and extreme poverty situations in the area. It was later registered in July 2020 as a Company Limited by guarantee by the registrar of companies. The purpose of establishing the UTNU was to start an effective and sustainable response to the increasing immediate consequences and impacts among women, children and youth in particular and the community in general. Women and children were experiencing violations of their rights, such as gender-based violence (GBS), children were out of school hence increasing unwanted pregnancies, early marriages and deepening poverty levels.Using the human rights-based approach, UTNU partners with local and international community workers who are mitigating the impact of these issues to fill a critical gap by maintaining essential programming, Preventing violence against women, children, and helping young people with physical – social support.UTNU has an experienced project committee technical staff of five members, a supportive organizational structure and a board of directors of 9 members. It has a financial management policy, child protection policy, volunteer's policy, whistleblowers policy and a five-year development plan 2021-2026.Our vision: We envision a healthy, sustainable and violent conflict-free local society. Our mission: To improve the livelihoods of poor communities through sustainable improvement programs to and advance their rights.The goal is "to contribute to improved livelihoods of marginalised community members".