Marketing Strategy and Graphic Design that fits your business model and sells to your customers.Every organisation, big or small, has customers with big expectations. They want to work with a stable and professional organisation that will serve them well. Look the part, or be overlooked. The Big Grin Design assists organisations with:CORPORATE IDENTITYCompany names, URL names, Logo, tag lines and all other brand elementsStationery Development - Business Cards, Letterheads, Banners, etc. SALES Marketing to Sales - Process review and strategySales Collateral - Proposal, Presentation, Brochure DesignsCatalogues - Print and onlineExhibitions - Stand design, banners, brochures ONLINE MARKETINGResponsive website design and developmentElectronic Direct Marketing (eDM) Email Design and HTML Development Web to lead process and project management (e.g. Infusion Soft) Social Media advice and advertising User interface design for web servicesPHILOSOPHY: Design is not about gorgeous lines and sensational dots. We are not here to win awards - we are here to make your business more successful. This requires clear communication to your customers in a way they 'get it' and lets face it, sometimes the gorgeous lines and trying-to-be-clever tag lines are so high-falutin' that NO-ONE 'gets it'. If the solution is not workable, if its not practical, if it doesn't help you sell more - bin it.