Created from our relentless passion of tomorrow's technology, we aim to bring you best-in-class Virtual 3D Tours and Professional Drone Video marketing solutions & services for showcasing your most prized properties and assets.What we do: 3D Media Plus is a premier provider of 3D Matterport photography and drone videos throughout the greater St. Louis, Florida Coast and Nashville regions. Our mission is to partner with our clients to showcase their commercial, real estate or luxury properties such as private jets, yachts, motorcoaches, event spaces, museums, conference centers and commercial properties, through 3D virtual tours and drone videos. How we do it:Our services include taking stunning HD Aerial Drone footage and then creating 3D models of that asset to embed on your company or personal website. To accomplish this, a special Matterport camera is utilized to create a full, three-dimensional representation of your property or asset that can be virtually "walked-thru" by your potential buyer. We then take on the meticulous process of editing and creation with a goal of less than 24 hour turnaround time back to you. The end result is an absolutely perfect model of your property or asset, down to the last detail and reaching a more engaged audience like never seen before.