Elite Super is a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) specialist firm that operates exclusively for accounting and financial planning firms. We specialise in SMSF audits and we also specialise in SMSF consultancy to accountants and financial planners. Recently branching into SMSF audit training we pride ourselves on being true SMSF audit experts. Katrina Fletcher (director) has recently won the 2021 auditor of the year, on the back of SMSF auditor of the year 2020.Elite Super was established in early 2005 and offers Australia wide expert SMSF services. We aim to develop a relationship with our clients similar to a business partner. We are well known in the industry for combining our SMSF technical assistance with the SMSF audit, wrapped into one unique relationship.Elite Super accountants are SMSF specialists, accredited with the peak SMSF body in Australia, SPAA. We have an extensive specialist back ground in SMSF audits, being SMSF auditors & SMSF administrators for more than 15 years.