Mission Statement: DreamIT MakeIT will create a community of creatively driven individuals who will learn, teach, create new opportunities, and inspire others to do the same.What We Do:DreamIT MakeIT will provide a makerspace where people of all ages can come to collaborate, innovate and create. Our makerspace will provide the community with a place to imagine and create any project, big or small, using machinery for woodworking and metalworking, laser cutters, 3-D printers, electronics, and more.Makerspace.com states, "Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes. They all serve as a gathering point for tools, projects, mentors and expertise. A collection of tools does not define a Makerspace. Rather, we define it by what it enables: making."We will have classes on learning how to use equipment or build a specific project, as well as workshops on specific areas of interest. DreamIT MakeIT will provide the community with tools that they otherwise may not have access to. With those tools, they could start a new business, invent a new product, or just enjoy a new hobby.