Stamps Plus is a specialist online factory. We permit retail sales in a limited fashion at our factory premises. Our factory distributes via online channels, account holders and approved stationery re-sellers only. If you are an interested retailer, please contact us.Stamps Plus was formed after purchasing an existing stamp making and name badge manufacturing business in Taharoto Road, Takapuna in January 2011. The business purchased was already 12 years old and, with Stamps Plus having been operational for 7 years since, our collective experience is more than 19 years. Stamps Plus is therefore recognized as being a leading innovator in the field of producing high quality, competitively priced, marking and branding products. For a full list of our marking and branding products click on our home page demonstrating our various departments.Proudly New Zealand owned and operated ‘Stamps Plus' is also a professional, government approved provider based in New Zealand where we are strategically and logistically positioned to serve and supply to local, Australasian and world markets in the field of marking and branding products.Stamps Plus therefore enjoys being the preferred manufacturer and supplier of high quality rubber stamps, embossing products, wax seal products, wood engraved products, name badges, pet plaques and more corporate & branding products.Stamps Plus also has a social conscience and ensures that our own procurement processes are robust enough to ensure that our goods are not only free of formaldehyde and other carcinogenic materials, but where factory sources are also not using slave labour, child labour and related practices to unfairly and artificially drive down the costs of materials. We use genuine and authentic product related materials only.