Stanley Ikwuebe

Disk Jockey at Donatello Hospitality Group. I play different genres at Donatello Hospitality Group - Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Stanley Ikwuebe's Contact Details
["+971 43409040"]
Dubai,Dubai,United Arab Emirates
Donatello Hospitality Group
Stanley Ikwuebe's Company Details
Donatello Hospitality Group logo, Donatello Hospitality Group contact details

Donatello Hospitality Group

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates • 201 - 500 Employees

Donatello Hospitality Group is a privately owned vibrant Hospitality group representing a carefully selected finest hotels and apartments. Their young and passionate team aim to provide exceptional customer service and a great value for more discerning guest. Their three key aims are to become the leading brand in their segments, to be the best place to work for and to ensure the favorable returns to the owners.To fulfill these ambitions they are revolutionizing their operations and using the latest technology to outdo the competition.

Details about Donatello Hospitality Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Stanley Ikwuebe
Stanley Ikwuebe currently works for Donatello Hospitality Group.
Stanley Ikwuebe's role at Donatello Hospitality Group is Disk Jockey at Donatello Hospitality Group. I play different genres.
Stanley Ikwuebe's email address is *** To view Stanley Ikwuebe's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Stanley Ikwuebe works in the Hospitality industry.
Stanley Ikwuebe's colleagues at Donatello Hospitality Group are Lokesh Kumar, Jearim Dancel, Nadiya Kutuzova, Praveen Duvva, Abdalmunim Hassan, Rojina Niraula and others.
Stanley Ikwuebe's phone number is ["+971 43409040"]
See more information about Stanley Ikwuebe