National Credit Educational Services are pioneers in credit restoration and education. Our mission is to provide you with the information and tools you need to obtain a high credit score. Whether you are looking to take out a loan and want a lower interest rate, applying for a job, or wishing to decrease your debt load, our strategies are designed to help you accomplish your goals.\\In addition to helping you repair your credit, we also provide you with strategies that will improve your overall financial picture. We all know that paying our bills and avoiding excessive debt are good financial habits that will ensure an excellent credit report, but how do you build these financial habits?\\We educate consumer on the pitfalls of credit, we educate our consumers on F.I.C.O scoring system. F.D.C.P.A,\budgeting, bankruptcy law's, foreclosures and many more financial studies.\\Helping consumers learn how to recovery their loses by leveraging their credit to build assets and not liabilities.\Teaching youths how credit works and how to build wealth at a early stage.\\We are credit educators !!!!!