We're here to help organizations realize the value of their data via applied data analytics. Our focus is centered around working with people to building secure, scalable and robust platforms that facilitates data integration and allow use of artificial intelligence (AI) on real world data.Data is the raw material that can be refined into high value data products. The AI algorithms and visualization programs can be viewed as essential tools to create the final product. However, before we can get to that step in the value chain the raw material has to be extracted, transported and transformed into the format that the machines can process into something valuable. Therefore, the creation of value from data needs to be viewed as a continuous process all the way from the mining of the raw material until the point that the final consumer gets the finished product in their hands.To derive value from data we consider the whole value chain from raw data generation to the point where a business decision is made on the basis of the insights derived from the data. This holistic and realistic approach to value generation is something that sets us apart from most other consultants in this space.