Impact Yoga is here for you to access the power in softness. Impact Yoga teacher Kirsten is passionate about showing people how to work together with the their own mind, body & heart as a holistic support system within themselves from the inside out through the power of YIN.Learn how to bend so you don't break.Impact Yoga offers (inter)national Yin Yoga Retreats, workshops, events, mindful leadership programs, holistic health consults, and private & business yoga programs. You will also find Kirsten teaching weekly (yin inspired) Corona Yoga classes online and teaching live yoga classes at different yoga studios in Amsterdam.Check out our website for more info on this year's unique retreats: COSMIC SHAKTI ✨Goddess edition June 26 - July 2 Small, exclusive retreat for women in IbizaDIGITAL DETOX ✨ Glamping edition Sept 12 - 18 Mixed retreat to relax, reset & recharge yourself in Portugal andEMBODY THE FEMININE ✨ Deluxe edition Nov 27 - Dec 3 Women's Retreat in Puglia, Italy