Here in Barlassina in the heart of the Brianza province the Linea Oceano team put at your disposal their expertise and skill to help you resolve your problems and difficulties. Thats LINEA OCEANO's mission!. Linea Oceano is always the first in line to help you turn your bathroom into the safest and most comfortable place possibile, whether your old aged or have difficulty of movement, we research the best products for your particular neccesities always keeping in mind to give the best value for your money. We of "LINEA OCEANO" believe in this! We believe that it is only right and obligatory, with respect and humility towards others, that our company does its best to better the quality of life for all of us and especially for those who have a problem that limits their movement. We believe that it is only correct to inform and explain the possibilities that there are, fortunately, nowadays that can be available to everyone and of great help, in order that each person can provide for their own security. We believe that it is correct to publicize the validity of our products because we are certain of both their usefulness and reliability, in this way we can give a hand to who needs one. We of "LINEA OCEANO" believe in this… YOU CAN BELIVE IT TOO!