ReActive – Powder Technology is a Spin-Off company of Politecnico di Milano founded in 2018 by the Aerospace Propulsion Laboratory (SPLab) of the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology of Politecnico di Milano. The team inherits an experience of over 40 years of research in the development, production, characterization, management and use of metal and non-metal powders in the areas of aerospace propulsion and energetic materials. ReActive – Powder Technology applies mechanical activation (ball milling) for the production of its own materials. This technique features low environmental impact and confers to the products peculiar properties that can be tailored according to the needs of the customer.The production flexibility derives from the miscellany of parameters that can be modified and affect the final product. This makes mechanical activation as attractive as difficult to master. Know-how and expertise of our team can meet the needs of the customer, quickly and effectively.In addition to the standard and commercially available processing techniques granting high and low activation energy, ReActive – Powder Technology operates a proprietary and innovative method. This last approach offers the customer the best performance.