The 3 dynamics of Business How do I intend to help you? Simple, I am also an entrepreneur, and through my story I want to understand and describe with you three fundamental principles that guide, consciously or unknowingly, every entrepreneur. I want it to be clear right away that I am not trying to prescribe a technique to grow your business. There is an important distinction between the words to describe and prescribe! I don't think there is a perfect formula or plan to follow step by step to improve your company, otherwise it would really be appropriate to prescribe it! What I want is to describe a basic behavior model that you can adapt to your particular context for your decision-making processes. I decided to call these Dynamic behaviors to clarify the idea of movement or action in progress, proper to a living entity. Keeping both sides of this living entity, represented by the entrepreneur and the company, standing is never a static activity but it is an always active process in which to periodically evaluate decision-making processes. The "dynamic" approach that I want to understand and describe with you involves constant attention to these behaviors: Thinking = Time dedicated to the development of resolutive ideas and reflections; Deciding = expansion, development and maintenance of the ideas gained; Act = Intentional practice of decisions made.We believe that the greatest leadership model of all the time is Jesus, following his model you will apply in the best wat the 3 Dynamics of the business!