LINVISIBILE is the innovative system for doors and technical closures totally flush-to-wall that eliminates the need for visible door posts, frames, jambs, and exposed hinges to achieve seamless continuity between wall and door. Achievable in all shapes and sizes, allows maximum versatility and customization. LINVISIBILE was created in 1994 out of the experience of Portarredo Srl, an Italian company founded in the early 80's that specialises in manufacturing doors and locking systems featuring exclusive designs and materials. LINVISIBILE consider the quality and thoroughness in their choice of materials and manufacturing processes as essential aspects for the conduct of its business.Thanks to the know-how gained in the field and our great on-site experience, the LINVISIBILE system is being continuously improved and perfected.The ISO 9001 quality certification issued to the company by ICILA, the only specific certification body for furniture and wood sectors, proves the desire of the company to constantly improve itself.