The union of two life stories and professional experiences made the establishment of W.M.I. possible.Giuseppe Maistrello and Luciano Pianaro reached one unique goal, embodied in the company that designs and manufactures autoclaves and pressure vessels.With a technical background Giuseppe has eighteen years of commercial experience in the industrial sectors W.M.I. is dedicated to: his soft skills and technical competence led him to cover key roles in the companies where he was employed. The entrepreneurial turn point came when some customer saw in Giuseppe and W.M.I. the answer to his requirements.Together with the forty-four years of experience of Luciano who has always dealt with plants for the petrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors he joined Giuseppe to set up the company W.M.I. and to manage its production.Attention to detail and accuracy during the processes: the union of two life stories and professional experiences led to the achievement of a unique goal, embodied in W.M.I., the company that designs and manufactures autoclaves and pressure vessels.