In the field of health products, mon ETOILE de beauté which makes strategic cooperation with the world's leading Medical Device, Cosmetics and Medical Technology companies; efficient and high quality products for the unmet needs of both, as well as with innovative products in therapeutic areas served by becoming one of Turkey's most important health company founded in 2017. mon ETOILE de beauté aims to increase the quality of life and keep the users healthy with its innovative, reliable, therapeutic, health-protecting and rejuvenating women's products in the fields of Women's Health and Dermatology. Our company works with global American and European production companies with which it has strategic cooperation, with its local infrastructure and product portfolio based on clinical evidence to ensure that every user it touches 'stays healthy'. The products of mon ETOILE in the market; Turkey has been licensed by the Ministry of Health Cosmetics and Medical Devices category. On the other hand, the companies with which mon ETOILE cooperates globally; It has the American FDA, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), and SQF (Safe Quality Foods), EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) certificates in Europe. We are Turkey's most important health groups; We work with the experienced teams of American Hospital (Koc Group) and Acıbadem Hospital, consisting of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dermatologist Doctor teams, Embryologists, and Chemical Engineers. We evaluate the diagnosis and treatment protocols with our expert doctors within the framework of the special conditions and needs of women, and offer personalized treatments to our valuable doctors. Sağlık ürünleri alanında, dünyanın önde gelen Tıbbi Cihaz, Kozmetik ve Antibakteriyel Ev Tekstili firmaları ile stratejik işbirliği yapan mon ETOILE de beauté Sağlık Şirketi; etkin-kaliteli ürünleri, hem de hizmet verdiği terapötik alandaki ürünleri ile Türkiye'nin önemli sağlık ve tekstil firmalarından biri olarak 2017 yılında kuruldu.