SCOM是一家聚焦于供应链与采购管理的教育与咨询专业组织,她为企业提供世界级卓越运行管理人才所需要的专业与技能教育服务和供应链与运行管理的辅导与咨询服务;China Supply Chain & Operations Manager Club (SCOM) is the largest professional association for supply chain and operations management in China. SCOM has nearly 40,000 professional members from China manufacturing and retail industry, with chapters in more than 15 major cities in China.SCOM can help china supply chain & operations professional to achieve their word-class operational excellence knowledge and skill. This is the most influentialsharing & learning SCM platform in China.For more information, please visit LI Group in . 我们助您创未来!SCOM-中国供应链与运营经理人俱乐部联系人邮箱