Dr Stephen Simonds founded Simonds Health based on his experience as both a doctor and personal trainer.During his days as a medical student, Stephen decided to fuel his passion for an active lifestyle by working as a personal trainer. During this time he saw first-hand the enormous contribution the fitness industry made to people's health. He loved that the fitness industry focused on the prevention of disease. This complimented the medical profession perfectly, and Stephen's vision was born; that fitness and medical professionals would work side-by-side in delivering a higher standard of preventative medicine to the public.While working as a personal trainer, and later as a doctor, Stephen recognised a disturbing trend. The majority of people were completely unaware of where their health was at and what risks they may be facing due to their unhealthy lifestyle. And despite his passion for preventative medicine, Stephen found it very difficult to clearly communicate this message to his patients within the confines of a busy clinic.In 2007, Simonds Health was created with the sole purpose of improving the way preventative medicine was delivered to the public. With this vision the online interACTIVE Health Portal was developed, which was launched in 2010. The interACTIVE Health Portal is an online health profiling tool that allows people to know exactly where their health is at and what they need to do to improve it.