Stephan Jende

Photographer/Designer at The House - Outdoor Gear - Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

Stephan Jende's Contact Details
The House - Outdoor Gear
Stephan Jende's Company Details
The House - Outdoor Gear logo, The House - Outdoor Gear contact details

The House - Outdoor Gear

Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States • 51 - 200 Employees
Sporting Goods

Does your heart start pounding on Monday in anticipation of Saturday's snowboard outing? Do you dream of Fat Bikes instead of sandy beaches? Would you rather climb Everest than the corporate ladder? Since 1982, The House has been passionate about equipping everyone from weekend warriors to Sherpas with the best outdoor gear on the planet. Gear is an extension of who we are and what we value, so it must enrich the experiences that keep our active lives moving forward.At each touchpoint, The House educates, enriches and invigorates its members to form a symbiotic relationship among cultures, sports, and lifestyles. Each product we sell has been researched and tested by experts and, ultimately, approved by the end user–that's you, the driving force behind everything that keeps us stoked! Our goal is to become the single-source experts on everything active sports. Thanks to the active lifestyles of our loyal members, The House stocks over 65,000 products in our online catalog making us one of the world's largest outdoor retailers. And for those in St. Paul, Minnesota, we have a retail store too! With all this gear, feel free to take up new adventures.

Details about The House - Outdoor Gear
Frequently Asked Questions about Stephan Jende
Stephan Jende currently works for The House - Outdoor Gear.
Stephan Jende's role at The House - Outdoor Gear is Photographer/Designer.
Stephan Jende's email address is *** To view Stephan Jende's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Stephan Jende works in the Sporting Goods industry.
Stephan Jende's colleagues at The House - Outdoor Gear are Matt Deacon, Holly Kaiser, Mike Hodnett, Christian Quiros, Pamela Berg, Madeline Cisek, Shawn Mack and others.
Stephan Jende's phone number is ["8004097669","6512276311"]
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