Your Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is right here beside you... offering business advocacy in the political arena; putting your business out in front of the public through networking opportunities, special events, on the web, and in print; and presenting educational opportunities to help you grow a successful business. I invite you to use this web site as your #1 tool for doing business in the Salem area. Besides offering information and resources about the Chamber and your community, you know that you can do business with the members listed in our online directory. I also encourage you to be aware of all the good works your fellow chamber member businesses are up to. You'll find Chamber members sponsoring community events, supporting historic attractions and the arts, and funding youth and family activities. The Chamber member business community is leading the way to a promising future. Our mission is to serve as your business and community advocate and work to keep Salem a great place where business can prosper and families can live, work, play and shop.