The Barnet Early Years Alliance is a Federation of three OFSTED outstanding nursery schools, a Sure Start Children's Centre and an Early Years Teaching school.Nursery Schools The three OFSTED outstanding nursery schools within the federation are Hampden Way, Brookhill and St Margaret's.The federation provides 550 places for 2-5 year olds.We offer nursery provision from 8.00-6.00pm Monday to Friday and on either a term time or all year round arrangement.Children's Centre The BEYA Children's Centre has in excess of 3500 families registered and provides a comprehensive timetable of specialised early years sessions such as Stay and Play, Paediatric first aid and parenting advice, to name but a few! Friends of BEYAThis is a friendly society, which comprises of staff, friends and families of the federation and aims to support school life. Please email, or lookup our Facebook group to hear about up and coming events, search 'Friends of BEYA'. We'd be delighted for you and your family to join us at our allotment, on Cat Hill.We look forward to welcoming you to our community!