Childhood obesity rates are on the rise, Tennessee ranks 4th in the nation for childhood obesity rates, and Davidson County reports 29% of adolescents being obese. With a year of Virtual schooling and children sitting on computers all day, we can only experts are predicting an extreme rise in childhood obesity rates. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has negativelyimpacted the health of children and families in many ways, including that it may increase the likelihood of unhealthy weight gain among children as many families are forced to shift to less costly, high-calorie foods rather than fresh foods like fruits and vegetables Move! Music City will partner with schools to help teach healthy habits and develop a love of physical fitness.Our mission is to empower students to live a healthier lifestyle, build resilience to stress and trauma and grow social emotional skills by developing a love of running.Through a five-step program, we give students equitable access to physical activity breaks throughout the school day. These short breaks are proven to promote concentration in the classroom, build positive self-esteem, and create a healthier lifestyle for years to come.