NHCIBOR, New Hampshire Commercial Investment Board of REALTORS®, is a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of commercial real estate and commercial real estate practitioners. NHCIBOR was founded to serve, empower, and further the commercial real estate community. Providing a central source of pertinent information, education, products, and services in conjunction with the standards of the National Association of REALTORS®, NHCIBOR creates an environment for the success of its members.This group aims to engage and educate NHCIBOR membership and the general public regarding the commercial real estate industry and related topics, including:• Energy and Environment• Permitting• Land Development• Construction Costs• Regulatory/Legal• Political• NH Commercial Market Trends• Economic Forecast for Commercial Industry• Tenant Improvement Costs• Investment Real EstateThis content will help members create more powerful presentations for their clients and prospective clients, stay up-to-date on new laws that impact the commercial real estate industry, and get involved and make a difference in their community.