Vircom is a growing tech company based in Montreal, Canada, that has been in operation for over 20 years, with happy customers in over 70 countries. We deal with email and are very good at it. Vircom protects email for businesses of all sizes all over the world. We are expanding our product line and reach into the security market and hosted services. We are results-oriented, expect a lot from our team members, but also give a lot in return.Our Core Values:Get It Done (Make commitments and deliver, Results-oriented, No excuses, no BS)Find A Better Way (Always solving and improving on status quo, Overcome obstacles, Undaunted by failure or rejection)Delight Your Customer (Set and Exceed expectations, Listen first, understand, then act, Respect and empathize)Always Keep Learning (Enthusiastic life-long learner, Share information, teach others, Respect the learning curve, Seek feedback for personal improvement)Vircom offers an open concept environment in downtown Montreal. Employees are encouraged and supported in personal and professional development activities. The culture is extremely results-oriented, we care more about what our employees get accomplished, than how they do it. Benefits range from completely subsidized (i.e. no employee contribution) comprehensive health and dental insurance plans and flex time, to paid transit passes and internet costs, all the way to healthy snacks and drinks - to say nothing of the different gaming consoles in the lounge.