It's About You and About Us Helping You!Focus Fitness & Sports was founded in February 2001 and we're based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.We have a range of fitness, health and wellness services that we offer to residential and business clients in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). We also offer some services internationally and one example is our nutrition service. Currently our vitamins and supplements can only be purchased by anyone living in Canada or the United States.Our education, training, skills and experience are current and extensive. We use those elements to help you do what you need help doing. 3 Keys To Your SuccessSuccess is definitely in you! To realize the success you desire, there are three keys that will determine the degree to which we succeed in doing what you need to do:1. Focus - To achieve the outcome that you desire, we must focus on the BEHAVIOURS that are necessary to achieve your desires.2. Commitment - The degree to which you commit to what you need to do will have a significant impact on the outcome.3. Consistency - From Eating properly, to exercising, to rehab or conditioning, consistency elevates your degree of success.We understand that what you want to do can be challenging; that is why we do what we do. Whether it's for you, your company or someone close to you, we're ready to help you do what you need help doing.Focus. Commit. Succeed.Enhance your Body. Enhance your Life!