Business Manager - HORECA & Wholesale at Murray Cod Australia Limited - , New South Wales, Australia
WHAT IS AQUNA SUSTAINABLE MURRAY COD?Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod has a firm texture, delicious flavour, and versatile cooking qualities, making it the perfect white-fleshed fish for food service and retail customers in Australia and around the world. An iconic Australian freshwater fish, our premium, table-ready Aquna Sustainable Murray cod is grown in the fish's native water from the Murray-Darling Basin system, fully traceable from pond to plate. WHO IS AQUNA SUSTAINABLE MURRAY COD?More than five years ago, a collective of pioneering irrigators in Australia's Riverina region established an aquaculture industry — from scratch approximately 550 kilometres from the nearest ocean.Our land-based production model brings together science and sustainable practices to produce a luxury product. Importantly, we've released more than 20 million fingerlings into the river system in a restocking program.Aquna trades as Murray Cod Australia Limited on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX code: MCA).If you'd like to sample Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod, please contact one of our helpful team: Christopher Geeves: James Hendry: james@aquna.comStephen Drake: stephen@aquna.comVisit our website for details: