Discover the courage and confidence to live your OWN adventure.Stephen Ewashkiw's Adventure Yoga is all about exploring and expanding possibilities within yourself and in your life. Yoga has the power to help you find your own adventure. The goal of Adventure Yoga, which he founded in 2014, is to give you the knowledge, courage and empowerment to make your own choices and step outside your comfort zone — helping you take the risks necessary to live your best life.Adventure Yoga is an alignment-infused Hatha vinyasa practice. Sometimes we flow, sometimes it's slow, but whatever we get up to it's always an adventure.Stephen has achieved the highest certification from Yoga Alliance, E-RYT 500, and has been teaching yoga for more than 10 years. He has taught thousands of students in more than 25 countries and regularly leads trainings and workshops around the world. During the lockdowns of COVID he is teaching online exclusively.