Most food processors pay a substantial and volatile cost for heating water to clean and sanitise their manufacturing process and at the same time they dump a substantial portion of the heat from their refrigeration systems into the atmosphere.WHRL Solutions have developed a patented, innovative technology in the WHRLflo™cycle, that recovers the heat energy being shipped by refrigeration systems and returns it back as hot water for cleaning and sanitising, with a level of efficiency unseen in the market today. The hot water requires no gas, electricity or oil and removes the need for a boiler or water heater. This is truly ZERO carbon energy that delivers FREE hot water.We have two fully developed and complementary products featuring high quality components, innovative technology and clear USP's aimed at industrial scale refrigeration and hot water systems. We have a range of systems to fit any size of operation. Firstly, our WHRLflo™ heat recovery and hot water system, which can be added to an existing cooling system. The system delivers significant quantities of food safe hot water for free. Secondly, our WHRLcool™chiller with integrated heat recovery system. This cooling system provides all of the facilities cooling and hot water from one central control unit. The cooling is performed extremely efficiently through intelligent technology and again the hot water is generated for free.We already have many installations operating in large food processors and dairy farms in the US & UK, delivering aggressive ROI's.Our business model offers a focus and expertise on cooling and hot water, two of the most essential inputs in safe food production and at the same time we deliver significant savings.As we continue to develop a strong foothold in our markets we intend to provide regular updates on key developments in our business, product range and target markets. WHRL Solutions... ' Raising the Bar in Energy Efficiency' !