Every pitch begins with "why." Why this market, why this team, why this solution.In our experience, great pitches, end with a brain-storming session of sorts centered around "what if..."What if we did this, or what if we could do that or serve this population, etc. As an investor, when you mind starts to spin about the limitless possibilities, you know you have found something worth looking into further.What if we tackled one of the largest problems facing society today?What if we ignored stigma?What if we believed in second chances?What if we invested in founders because they have experienced a mental illness?What if we believed that all humans have the capability to make something beautiful out of the positive benefits derived from negative emotions as a result of their lowest moments?These are just a few of the questions we have asked, and will continue to ask as we build a venture capital fund focused on the following:Investing in startups focused on mental illness.Investing in startups that facilitate recovery from addiction.