XTRAN, LLC is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) founded in 2004 by our founder and President, Stephen F. Heffner. It is the successor to Pennington Systems Incorporated, which Mr. Heffner founded in 1977.We have developed and market XTRAN, the software engineering meta-tool Mr. Heffner originally created in 1984. XTRAN marries compiler and expert system technologies to provide, via its powerful rules language, automation of the assessment / analysis, transformation / re-engineering, and translation of a wide variety of computer languages, including assemblers, 3GLs, 4GLs, XML, HTML, and proprietary, scripting, Web, data base, and special-purpose languages, as well as data and unstructured text.With XTRAN, code and data become clay, XTRAN's rules language creates the modeling tools, and you are the sculptor.Our customers include large and small companies, governments, and universities all over the world, who use our software and services to automate the analysis, re-engineering, and translation of their software, including porting it to new languages and platforms, repurposing it, and assessing and improving its quality and adherence to standards.We also provide consulting on Enterprise and IT Architecture and Software Engineering, as well as Expert Witness services in those fields.