Strategic Planning, Business Coaching, Management Training at - N/A, N/A, US
For more than a decade, Stephen Lynch has delivered consulting and strategic planning services to hundreds of companies and delivered seminars and workshops to thousands more.\\Stephen is the author of the award-winning book; 'Business Execution for RESULTS - A practical guide for leaders of small to mid-sized firms'. The book was judged Winner in the "Management' category of the 2014 Small Business Book Awards in the USA. He's also had articles published in The Economist.\\Stephen has had unique insights into the day to day operations of thousands of small-medium sized growth firms around the world. He knows what works 'in the real world' in terms of strategic planning and business execution, goal setting, tracking performance, running effective meetings, engaging employees and holding them accountable. \\His ideal client is the CEO of a small-medium sized growth firm who has ambitious goals but lacks a clear strategy to align their staff. They are frustrated with slow progress and want more accountability and better productivity in their organization.\\Contact Stephen to discuss your needs.