Stephen Overman

Chief Executive Officer at Standpoint Software, LLC. - Seattle, WA, US

Stephen Overman's Colleagues at Standpoint Software, LLC.
Stephen Overman's Contact Details
Greater Seattle Area
Standpoint Software, LLC.
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Standpoint Software, LLC.

Seattle, WA, US • 5 - 9 Employees

Standpoint Software created technology for the first Hospital Care Performance platform called ETHoS™ —giving physicians superpower. To the hospital physician, its like having a great ability to see causation and exert influence on improving hospital care performance, leading to extraordinary improvements in hospital quality and cost of care. Standpoint solves the problem of unseen variabilities in care systems by reducing the complexity in understanding the combined influences on patient care from data constituting clinical pathways, care resource quality, cost and choice, and clinical referral coordination patterns, captured from and across existing disparate hospital data systems. ETHoS™ delivers machine intelligence, driven to the physician as actionable deep care insight, and a means to channel communications of their care opinions and decisions over a safe and smart care insight collaboration network. A platform specifically designed for the physician and care teams to access through an intuitive app interface on mobile and desktop, to improve management of the unseen forces behind improving care performance —giving physicians a superpower toolkit. To the superhero physicians, ETHoS™ helps them achieve even faster, and more optimal value-based care decisions per patient episode, over time, taken together saving $100s of millions in hospital operating expenses and growing profit margins, annually.

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Details about Standpoint Software, LLC.
Frequently Asked Questions about Stephen Overman
Stephen Overman currently works for Standpoint Software, LLC..
Stephen Overman's role at Standpoint Software, LLC. is Chief Executive Officer.
Stephen Overman's email address is *** To view Stephen Overman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Stephen Overman works in the SaaS industry.
Stephen Overman's colleagues at Standpoint Software, LLC. are Paul Buehrens and others.
Stephen Overman's phone number is N/A
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