was created to provide business owners with a 'one stop site' that provides quintessential information and tools for planning their business exit HOW and WHEN they want. This site provides the following to business owners:* Free access to data, facts and general information about business transition/exits for owners.* Free access to reading materials, blogs, articles, videos and specific information addressing when to, how to, and why to consider business exit/business transition.* Free use of our innovative 31 question business exit/transition readiness assessment. The results of this analysis will provide 2 reports - the first is a business Exit Readiness report (3 pages) showing owners what areas of business exit they could learn more about, strengthen and begin implementing in their businesses today, for free. The second document is listed below.* Membership that provides the second document generated through the free Exit Readiness Scorecard Questionnaire. This more in depth extensive personalized business exit/transition readiness analysis report (30 page report) helps the specific business owner to create and achieve their ultimate business exit plan to execute themselves when and how they wish.* Membership that provides detailed videos, webinars, documents, and very specific information as to planning their business exit/transition over the next 5 years on their own.* Membership option that allows business owners personalized implementation assistance by working with a business transition specialist to meet the owners business exit goals and profitability needs.