A Not-for-Profit, stand-alone, Independent Private Hospital located at the edge of Adelaide's CBD. With a mission of 'Medical and Surgical Excellence' St Andrew's delivers 'best care' to patients admitted under a variety of Specialties. It's the staff at St Andrew's that sets us apart. St Andrew's has a culture 'where relationships matter'. The Executive and Management Team value its employees and are committed to providing ongoing professional development and mentorship. We invest heavily in clinical education and are also committed to providing our current and future leaders with management training and coaching to strengthen their confidence and capability. The majority of our staff work flexible hours that suit their family and personal circumstances, enabling them to provide the best service to our customers.With a new development nearing completion St Andrew's will see expansion of our Theatre Suite, Day Surgery, Cardiac Unit and Angiography labs . A new multi-level car park will deliver heavily subsidised staff car parking. Staff recognition and social programs make St Andrew's an employer of choice as evidenced by our considerable staff tenure. We care, we create, we deliver.