Beacon partnership offers a wide range of products and services to Housing Associations, Local Authorities and developers. We have extensive knowledge and experience in financial modelling, development, regeneration and housing management services.Beacon services cover the entire development process and can start from the early conceptual stage through to post completion.Beacon development and regeneration services include:- A suite of Development Appraisal Toolkits and Programme Monitoring Tools- Development of Bespoke Viability Toolkits- Financial Viability Modelling, Analysis and Review- Independent Financial Viability Assessments- Support for local authorities developing Section 106 affordable housing options- Development and Regeneration Support- Interim Development Placements from Project Officer through to Strategic Director- Construction management and Technical support- Strategies, Policies & Procedures- Research, Bids, and Training- HCA / GLA Pre-Audit AssessmentsBeacon fire safety services include:- Fire Safety Training for Development and Housing Staff, Clerk of Works and Site Inspectors- Fire Safety Training for Directors and Board Members- Fire Safety Strategy Review and Updates- Fire Safety Process Review and Implementation- Fire Risk Assessments- Review of Development Plan- Post PC & Defects InspectionsBeacon Housing and Other Services include:- Strategic oversight, governance and business planning- Change Management- Housing Management and Maintenance services- Asset Management services- Void management and process reviews- Compliance and Health and Safety- Technical and Engineering services- Performance Improvement- Service Specification, Contract Development, Contract Procurement- Dispute and Contract resolution- Bid writing and Presentation- Service Reviews- Community Based Regeneration- Project Management- Coaching