Independent Consultant for the Sanctuary Model for Trauma Informed Care at Minnesota Center for Chemical and Mental Health - N/A, N/A, N/A
About Us: The Minnesota Center for Chemical and Mental Health advances the science to service of mental health and substance use disorders through research, and implementation of clinical best practices for all, especially practitioners, educators, providers, and policymakers. MNCAMH's Mission: The Minnesota Center for Chemical and Mental Health (MNCAMH) bridges science to practice to promote lifelong learning and the advancement of clinical skills within the diverse behavioral health workforce. MNCAMH is committed to fostering wellness and recovery for all individuals impacted by substances use and mental health disorders. MNCAMH provides training, research, and resources for service providers to build and sustain excellence in the delivery of broad-based mental and chemical health services. Driving Forces Behind MNCAMH: The Minnesota Center for Chemical and Mental Health influences clinical practice by helping clinicians change lives for the better by enhancing their recovery-oriented knowledge and practical skills. At MNCAMH, we: - Teach what works - Apply evidence-based research to real-world treatment - Disseminate the important lessons seasoned clinicians have to offer - The services we offer through research, training, and consultation can help achieve recovery as envisioned by SAMHSA: "A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential." MNCAMH's home is in the University of Minnesota School of Social Work in the College of Education and Human Development.