Ocean Audit's pitch deck is 6 seconds. I present a video clip of the CEO of largest global ocean freight vendor admitting that 12% of the invoices they issue are incorrect. This rogue invoicing permeates though every vendor (direct ocean carrier and freight forwarder/NVOCC) you utilize. Ocean Audit's 10 minute executive overspend review cures and recovers lost working capital caused by distressed global logistics invoicing.Rogue, overbilled and overpaid invoices get compounded by a multiplier that actually favors you. US law allows for a 3-year window of refund recovery for these invoices. My clients receive between 1%-2% of their combined 3-year global logistics spend as a cash recovery.Don't blame pre auditors, post auditors or your own team for missing these overcharges. The nuances associated with ocean and global logistics invoicing are complex and polar opposite to domestic truck/small parcel auditing. If you utilize third party EDI auditors then you are my #1 priority. EDI auditing creates false negatives, lulling Shippers into believing their spend is safe. I'm trusted as the face of Ocean Audit and the person that personally completes your audit. My typical client has global logistics spend exceeding $500K annually. I work with clients on a contingency basis, meaning that I only get paid after you do. Without me: $0, With me: $100,000 or more. It's your choice.