Faced with high professional fees or precluded from financial advice, more and more people are taking personal control of their finances.Whether looking to clear debt, save for a rainy day, invest for children, build a pension pot or generate income in retirement DIY Investor is here to help them every step of the way.The site delivers information to experienced investors and education to those new to savings and investment; it unites a community of self-directed investors to consider challenges and share experiences.Users learn to establish their financial goals, understand risk, build a personal investment plan, then use technology to research, trade and monitor their investments.Content comes from expert industry commentators and participants as well as from investors with practical experience to share.DIY Investor Magazine launched in April 2014 to deliver information to existing retail investors and DIY Investor now reaches out to deliver education to those new to savings and investment.DIY Investor seeks to empower its users to make informed investment decisions and take control of their financial future.