Field Service Cloud by Janmar Systems provides landscape maintenance companies with the data they need to make informed decisions and maximize profitability while improving productivity.Having data such as actual man-hours spent at each jobsite allows companies to review profitability at the individual jobsite level. The information is captured by replacing many of the paper forms and excel spreadsheets that landscape companies use currently with web and mobile app based forms. GPS is used to track the location of the crews, eliminating the need for crews to clock-in at each jobsite during the day. Estimates and items used for irrigation repairs and enhancements are captured in the field. The database driven application generates a number of landscape specific reports, such as route compliance reports, inventory use reports, including pesticide use reports that are directly submitted to the California DPR reporting system, time split reports for each crew by their time at jobsites, at unknown stops, and traveling, along with reports showing different cuts at employee man-hours. The data is also instrumental in improving customer service levels and driving crew accountability.