We're a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a nation-wide network of people dedicated to keeping our wild places and the trails that access those spaces free of litter. Study after study shows the highest indicator that someone will pick up litter is if they witness someone else picking up litter. That's because peer group norms are more powerful than incentives, and when worked in concert with each other, they can provide impressive behavioral change impacts. Core to our beliefs is the notion that people want to do the right things; all they need is a little encouragement or incentive. We believe that people are naturally responsible; if we encourage them to care for their favorite places, to pick up after themselves and others, then our trails will become self-sufficient, clean, and more enjoyable. Our job is to show them the way. We're working hard to enlist every outdoor user to become a Clean Trails member by developing a national network of trail stewards complete with trail-side tools and educational programs promoting clean trail etiquette and advocacy for responsible use. JOIN US!