Anime Con India is India's biggest and only B2B event catering to the Animation Industry, VFX, Gaming and Beyond. Anime Convention India, Cinedarbaar's flagship event, started in the year 2010 with the active support from the Embassy of Japan and Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India and it was the first of its kind and the biggest in India.The Anime Con is held each year to create and promote a culture for Animation, Gaming, Content Creation, Entertainment, Manga/Comics and Graphic Novels in India with youth as its core target audience. The convention is also a medium to explore and promote Trade and Business through its Business Lounge, B2B meetings, Industry Presentations and Networking Lunches.The fourth Anime Convention, India was inaugurated on the 27th September 2013 at Marwah Studios, Film City, Noida by H.E. Joon-gyu Lee, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea. All the invited speakers and guests were felicitated by HE Joon-gyu Lee and Mr. Sandeep Marwah, President, Marwah Studios.This was followed by the launch of SriRatna & Kim Suro, a Graphic Novel, published by National Book Trust, India. The editor, Mr. Kumar Vikram and the Graphic Artist, Mr. Soumitra Dasgupta unveiled the Graphic Novel along with Mr. Marwah and HE Joon-gyu Lee.