We are patient advocates for those with Atrial Fibrillation, the most common heart arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) seen by physicians. For over ten years, we have published our non-profit patient education website, Atrial Fibrillation: Resources for Patients (A-Fib.com), offering unbiased, up-to-date information, all written in plain language for the non-medical reader. We have just published our first book, Beat Your A-Fib: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Cure, by Steve S. Ryan, PhD (available at BeatYourA-Fib.com, and Amazon.com). The book helps patients research their best treatment options, steps through how to find the right doctor for their type of A-Fib and treatment goals, gives patients hope and empowers them to develop a plan for finding their A-Fib cure or best outcome.We help patients and their families look beyond the common drug therapies that manage Atrial Fibrillation but do not cure it.