We are passionate and enthusiastic believers in the power of cash flow planning and have worked with many financial planners and IFAs over the years to produce forecasts via Paraplan Plus. During this time we have used all the financial planning tools available in the UK and beyond most of which are very powerful pieces of software and are being used to great effect by a small minority of advisers and planners. However, almost without exception we kept coming up against the same problems with the software: * Took too long to produce a cash flow report * Cost too much * Didn't do what we needed * Too complex * Too many features * Took too long to learn how to use * Clients not interested in all the output A recent conversation with an adviser summed up the problem perfectly: "All clients really want to know is their net worth, IHT position and have a simple cash flow forecast. They don't want an 80 page report and to spend lots of time to find this out." We knew there had to be a better way and decided to build our own software based on our knowledge and experience. MoneyScope has been built primarily to bring simple, understandable financial planning to all financial planners and advisers for the benefit of all their clients. Rather than enter into a features war with other financial planning software, MoneyScope has been built on the principal of "under doing the competition" by taking features and options away rather than adding them. We like to keep things really simple and easy to use - solving the problem by doing less. With MoneyScope you will find: * Less features * Less options * Less time needed to produce a meaningful plan (watch out for our 5 minute challenge) * Lower cost * No hardware or software to maintain; we live on the internet and can be accesses securely anytime, anywhere MoneyScope is all about simple, focussed communication of financial planning to any client.