The Australian Institute of Tourism Officers Ltd is the recognised professional body for people within Australia working in all aspects of the Tourism Industry.We offer industry training, networking opportunities and information regarding your employment in the tourism industry.The objectives of the Institute are:To promote the professionalism of the Institute and its Members and to further the interest of Tourism Officers and the Tourist Industry.To encourage the creation of training courses for the Tourist Industry in conjunction with the State and Federal Tourism, Educational and other relevant authorities and organisations.To promote the effective dissemination of information affecting Tourism Officers in the Industry.To serve as a means of communication between members of the Institute and: State and Federal Departments of Tourism and the responsible Cabinet Ministers in the Government of the day; Local Government Bodies, Tourist Associations, Bureaux and Authorities; and Any other organisations representing Tourism Officers and particular segments of the Tourism Industry.To liaise and co-operate with and where necessary seek the assistance of appropriate registered Associations of Employees to rationalise and improve the nature of the employment of its Members.To promote goodwill between all Members of the Institute.Current ExecutivePresident – Steve Baldwin – Glynn Jacobs – Gary Greening – Lea Turner Newsletter, alias "Jobs on the Go" – Steve Baldwin Vice-President (NSW)- Rod Caldicott Membership & Professional Development Officer- Lori Modde Vice President (NT)-Stephen Schwer