Fiducia Group, LLC, a division of HUB International, offers 401(k) & retirement plan consulting services to the corporate, Taft-Hartley, public and non-profit sectors. We are industry experts that serve employer-sponsored retirement plan decision makers with the delivery of prudent consulting services and investment advice that assist them in meeting their fiduciary obligations.When organizations need advice on their employee retirement plan, they come to us. Fiducia Group was founded on this principal and that we should provide expert advice with no strings attached. That's why our firm's entire focus is on serving retirement plans.We work with our clients in four areas of their plan: First, to help them meet the responsibilities the Dept of Labor, IRS, and ERISA require. A big part of our job is helping clients build prudent processes that are easy and make sense. Second, we act as our client's advocate and go-between when negotiating pricing and handling vendors to help them get the right plan. Third, we assist in selecting and monitoring your plan's investments, sharing that liability right with you as a fiduciary. Last, a plan wouldn't be complete if it didn't have employees participating in and appreciating it. We provide top notch education for employees so they can make good decisions about how to use their plan.We think everyone should have the luxury of deciding how they spend their time later in life and these plans shouldn't be a burden on organizations to provide them. As a result, we focus on the reasonableness of fees because they eat away at a participant's account over time. We work hard to provide education opportunities through a variety of means and outlets for employees to learn more and find out if they're on track to have the life they want to in retirement. We work side-by-side with our plan sponsors to design the plan to set employees up for success by default and use behavioral finance and decision psychology in our favor.