Assureflex is the largest no advanced deposit Health Spending Account Trusteeand Administrator in Ontario, providing HSA plans to Employers and Employees,spanning Northwestern, Northern, Eastern, Central and Southwestern Ontario.Assureflex saves 20% to 40% compared to "prepaid and no-refund" Premiums,eliminates Income Tax payments compared to "Employer Refund" Arrangements,provides 100% refunds where Non-refundable Tax Credits provide little or none.Assureflex is available to bona fide Employees of corporations, earning a salary,starting with as few as one Employee. If the Employee is also a Shareholder, thenbenefit maximums must be "reasonable", and not be based on Dividend income.Assureflex is available to bona fide Employees of non-incorporated businesses,who are "arms-length" Employees. Any actively employed Owners can participate,if the benefit maximums are the same as those of the "arms-length" Employees.Assureflex can enhance or replace any Insurer's Health and/or Dental Care for all(or specific Classes of) Employees, or to provide added non-taxable Compensation.There is nothing to lose, except the expensive alternative benefit arrangements.