We are convinced that, even better… we know that a solid understanding of the underlying principles of the Scrum framework and other Agile ways of working boosts any team. Once all members of a team know and truly understand why events, artefacts and roles exist, they have an enormous insight in how they can use agile to make a huge impact given their context. Again and again. Faster and faster.We are here to bring you and your team(s) this understanding. So that you can delight your customers. That your teams will deliver value each and every month. That you will become the expert that you already are.We don't do all of this by ourselves of course! We engage and collaborate with highly experienced trainers, known experts in their field of expertise in order to be able to provide in depth courses within any domain that is required to make Scrum work for you and your organisation. We do make sure that each trainer selected is still practicing what they preach! We want you to acquire insights from experiences in the field and not just theory.